Use Twitter Stream API

There are two ways to use the Stream API first there's .stream('statuses/sample') example:

const stream ='statuses/sample');

stream.on('tweet', t => {

This will give you a random sampling of tweets.

For more specific information use .stream('statuses/filter')... then pass some parameters, use track: to specify a search string:

var stream ='statuses/filter', {
  track: 'bot'

stream.on('tweet', function (t) {
  console.log(t.text + '\n')

You can also use multiple words in the track parameter, tis will get you results with either twitter or bot in them.

const stream ='statuses/filter', {
  track: 'twitter, bot'

stream.on('tweet', t => {

If you want both words then remove the comma , you can think of spaces as AND and commas as OR

You can also use the follow: parameter which lets you input the ids of specific users, example:

const stream ='statuses/filter', {
  follow: '4897735439'

stream.on('tweet', t => {

Previous: Use twitter search.

Next: Tweet media files.

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